前些時在 Paulo Coelho 的部落格讀到這篇很棒的文章,覺得可供自己警惕。
The German philosopher F. Nietzsche once said: “it is no use living arguing about everything; it is part of human nature to make a mistake now and again.”
And the writer James Joyce shares the same opinion -- “A man’s errors are his portals of discovery.”
Yet we all know people who absolutely insist that they are right even down to the smallest details. We ourselves are often included in this category: we don’t allow ourselves to make mistakes.
All that we achieve with such an attitude is the fear of moving forward – because certain steps call for new decisions whose results are unknown to us.
The fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us up in the castle of mediocrity: if we manage to overcome this fear, we are taking an important step towards our freedom.